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TikTok marketing for B2B companies

TikTok is an excellent emerging platform for B2B marketing. Learn why it’s so popular and how to get started.

By • Sep 7, 2022

woman on her phone using tiktok and smiling

Social media marketing has become non-negotiable in the B2B world. This work, which was once relegated to interns, is now widely respected, because social media marketing is extremely effective. Over the past decade, it’s proven to be worthy of investment — with companies hiring entire teams, including specialists for different platforms, social media analytics experts, and social content planners. 

Sharing photos, videos, and text posts on social media help accomplish a variety of goals. Social media can show off your company’s personality and increase your brand awareness. It can highlight new products and show the value of your old reliable products. It can help you close deals by advertising major sales and promotions. And it can help attract the best talent.

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Companies have long had pages on various social platforms, and each one can be used differently — it’s not just about crafting a post and auto-sharing it on every platform. 

Twitter is used for sharing short, text-based snippets of content, but it’s also often used by consumers as a customer service platform. Facebook is typically used to share text posts, links, and photos, and Facebook messenger can also be used to answer customer queries. Instagram is for sharing photos and videos, including Reels, but its robust shopping capabilities make it into an additional revenue-generating ecommerce platform. 

And enter TikTok: the booming social media and entertainment platform focused solely on videos. While it was initially most known for its trending dances, TikTok has evolved to be so much more. If you have a niche hobby or an interest, there’s almost certainly a TikTok community for that. And what’s more, TikTok is incredibly fun to use, and its users can spend hours just watching videos, laughing, learning about their interests and the world around them, and yes — discovering new dance moves.

B2B businesses have been hesitant to expand their social media capacities to include TikTok, but the time to hesitate is through. TikTok is a rapidly growing, powerful hybrid of a social media site and an entertainment platform, and B2B brands can benefit from diving right in.

Why use TikTok for B2B marketing?

  1. It’s one of the most-used apps in the world. There are over 1 billion monthly active users on TikTok, and users spend a lot of time on the platform — an average of 52 minutes a day. 
  2. The algorithm and targeting on TikTok are unmatched. Consumers are shown videos from creators and businesses that they might like, and more often than not, the algorithm gets it right. Many small businesses have exploded overnight thanks to being shown to the right audiences and then going viral on TikTok. 
  3. It’s easy to use and very casual. The in-app video editor is intuitive and quick to use, and the platform lends itself to informal videos filmed and edited right on a phone — no need for fancy cameras, or audio and lighting equipment.
  4. TikTok is an up-and-coming search engine. Increasingly, especially among Millennials and Gen Z users, TikTok isn’t just entertainment: it’s also used as a search engine. Trying to find a restaurant in your neighborhood? TikTok shows you where to go, what the food looks like, and what to order — in seconds. No scrolling through bloated lists and keyword-stuffed articles. It won’t be long until business owners looking for software and services will take to TikTok to learn what’s available.
  5. It’s a relatively new space for brands. Businesses are still getting the hang of TikTok — it’s like the early days of Instagram for business. Getting onto a new platform early gives you access to new audiences in a sphere where your competitors are notably absent.

How to Make Great B2B TikToks

Simplicity and authenticity over perfection 

Really. Part of what users love about TikTok is that it’s far less curated than Instagram, and users create fun, low-stakes, relatable videos that inform and entertain at the same time. A video filmed with an iPhone’s front-facing camera featuring you telling the story of how you started your business, or what kind of businesses you hope to help with your tools, can go a long way. Don’t worry if there’s a messy office behind you or if you stumble over your words a little bit — bring the reality of your life and environment into your TikToks.

Go behind the scenes

Don’t just upload your perfectly polished TV commercial: also upload a behind-the-scenes look at what it was like filming that commercial. People love to see how things get made, whether it’s showing one of your developers deep in a coding blitz or giving a tour of your warehouse, or doing an unboxing video of your products. 

Personality goes a long way

Don’t take it too seriously! You want to be relatable to your audience. Be candid, show the ups and downs of running a business, and weave in your personality and that of your team.

Highlight your people

Business owners know that it takes a cohesive, collaborative team to get anything done. Showing the world how much you value your team by showing off their accomplishments and shouting out what they do well on TikTok can help show your company values in action and increase brand affinity. 

Show your products and customers in action

Everyone loves a demo! Show your products in action as they’re used by your customers. If you can film on location at one of your customers’ businesses, even better, because you get to support and highlight their business while promoting yours, too.

Provide useful information

Whether it’s a roundup of tips and tricks related to your industry, FAQ videos that answer questions that people have about your product, or a deep-dive into one of your products, give your audience a reason to keep coming back and keep learning.

Get TikToking.

Find new audiences to engage, connect with other businesses, show off your personality, and highlight your team on this exciting new platform. We hope to see you on there!

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